NC Lyme Disease Foundation, Inc.

Questions? Email Us!
¡Si tiene preguntas, por favor
The NCLDF, Inc is an all volunteer organization and emails will be answered as time permits in the order that they are received.
Thank you for contacting the NCLDF, Inc.!
Support NC Lyme!
Support NC Lyme!
Mail your tax deductible donation to us:
2838 Stuart Drive
Durham, NC 27707

We always have new events going on! For more information and details about these current events head over to our Current Events page!
Upcoming Meeting Information!
We are delighted to announce that after a two-year hiatus, our monthly Lyme Disease support group meetings have begun again for 2024.
Check back here or use the Home Menu above for each upcoming meeting going forward.
Lyme Diagnosis and Treatment Grant
NCLD Foundation is delighted to announce grants to help with diagnosis and treatment of Lyme and other tick-borne illnesses.
Click here for more details and how to be considered for the grant.
CDC Recognizes Chronic Lyme
The CDC has now formally and officially recognized that Lyme Disease may cause chronic conditions. Click here for more details.
Asheville Support Group
There is an Asheville NC Lyme Disease support group. If you are interested in attending future Lyme Disease support group meetings please contact us using the form on the right.
Looking For Information?
Looking For Information?
If you want more information about Lyme Disease feel free to browse our site and the provided information after reading our disclaimer.
Want To Join The NCLDF?
Want To Join The NCLDF?
If you are interested in joining the NCLDF please use the form to the right to send us an email. We can inform you of the next meeting that is planned so that we can see you in person!
The North Carolina Lyme Disease Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit organization that works to increase community awareness and provide support to those with Lyme Disease.
The foundation was started in September of 2002 by Dr. Beth Jordan and Fonda Notch, who have both battled the disease and wanted to reach others who are trying to find out more about this controversial illness.
The NCLDF is not affiliated with any other organizations, and the purposes for which the Foundation is organized are exclusively charitable, scientific, literary, and educational. The intention of this website is to provide materials to educate the public about Lyme Disease. For more information please read our disclaimer.