NC Lyme Disease Foundation, Inc.

NC Lyme Diagnosis and Treatment Grant
Grant to help with Lyme (and other tick borne illnesses) diagnosis and treatment for low income, NC residents
The NC Lyme Disease Foundation (NCLDF) is delighted to announce that we are offering five (5) grants of $600 to members of the group to help with diagnosis and treatment of Lyme and other tick-borne illnesses. The NCLDF was given funding from a generous donor for this purpose, and we have added additional money from our budget to be able to assist a total of five (5) low-income individuals who live in NC to finance doctor visits and medical procedures as prescribed by a physician with a written prescription to treat tick-borne illnesses. These funds are available to low-income, North Carolina residents, with a goal to make the funds available starting October 30, 2024, and spent within a year. Low income is defined according to the US Department of Education relative to the size of the household as follows: one-person family unit at $22,590; two-person family unit at $30,660; three-person family unit at $38,730; and four-person family unit at $46,800.
If you are interested in being considered for a grant, please complete the form on the right by September 15, 2024 to be put on the potential recipient list. Please note the grant application in the message field. If you are not on our email list, please request to be added using the same submission.
Names will be selected at random and then remote interviews will be held in early October to review documents to determine eligibility. If you would like a copy of the full grant guidelines please include that in the request.
Questions? Email Us!
¡Si tiene preguntas, por favor
The NCLDF, Inc is an all volunteer organization and emails will be answered as time permits in the order that they are received.
Thank you for contacting the NCLDF, Inc.!
Support NC Lyme!
Support NC Lyme!
Mail your tax deductible donation to us:
2838 Stuart Drive
Durham, NC 27707